Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Biggest Mistake Most Men Make When With Women

Have you ever seen the movie The 6th Sense. Well, if not I'm about to ruin it for you. At the end of the movie Bruce Willis realizes that he's dead. At this point, he reflects upon the previous scenes of the movie and they take on a whole new perspective. With this this new knowledge, Bruce was able to see obvious truths that remained hidden in plain sight to him before.

This, by the way, how a lot of great Zen masters describe enlightenment.

I identify with this movie so heavily because I had the same shift when I stepped into the light of Total Dominion.

It's like I looked at all my past interactions with women and realized I have been dead for all these years.

As I began to examine past experiences, I noticed that really I kept making the same grave mistake over and over again.

I also realized that the key to my tremendous newfound carnal success w/ women could be boiled down to that I was no longer making the same grave mistake. (Hallelujah!!!)

Now, I know what you're thinking. Yes, Total Dominion allows me certain telepathic abilities. You're thinking, "Will you just tell us the fucking mistake, already!"


You have to work for it.

It's much better for you if you chew your own food. I will give you a major clue, though. It comes in the form of a story. It's actually a story about the first man ever (if you're Southern Baptist) and how this mistake cost him everything.

There once was a dude named Adam. He lived in Paradise. Not only did he live in paradise but he had Total Dominion over paradise. It kicked ass. He got bored though because he had noone to fuck. So God took a rib from him and made him a cut buddy. Her name was Eve. Eve means rib.

So now there was Adam and Eve in Paradise and they kicked it real hard. It was fuckin' awesome.

Paradise was an easy place to live everybody got along. Everybody got along, there was plenty of food to eat, and it was always sunny 72 degrees with a light breeze and no chance of showers. Plus everybody was naked so you didn't have to spend any money at the strip club.

All they had to do was follow 1 rule.

Rule #1: Don't fuck w/ God's Special Tree. (or GST for short)

So one day Eve is running around Paradise and she bumps into Snake at GST. Now, Snake was a dude that possessed that certain jen ne c'est qua which all women find utterly irresistable that is Total Dominion. The exchange that follows went loosely like this.

Snake: Wassup, girlgirl! MMM-MMM dem titties lookin, right!!!
Eve: Booy, Stop!!!
Snake: Hey, I gotta secret that nobody knows about
Eve: Really, what is it?!? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!
Snake: Tell you!!! Sheeeet, Ev-ry bo-dy knows that woman can't keep a secret
Eve: Pleeeeease
Snake: Aright, Aright. I'll tell you but you gotta promise to not to tell nobody
Eve: I Promise
Snake: You Promise?
Eve: I Promise
Snake: You Prom-ise?
Eve: I Prom-ise!!!
Snake: Now, that's 3 time you promised. Okay.
Eve: Okaaay
Snake: Look what I got
Eve: What's that
Snake: Ohhhh, nothing. Just fruit from God's Special Tree
Eve: (sighs) What are you gonna do with it
Snake: Whaddaya think I'm gonna do with it jackass!!! I'm gonna eat it.
Eve: Unh-unh. Rule #1 says don't fu-
Snake: I know what rule #1 says. But lets be for real there's like a million fuckin apples in that tree you think God is reeeally gonna notice that one is gone.
Eve: Weeeell...
Snake: I bet dis shit is da bomb. Here take a bite.
Eve: No, you first.
Snake: Fuck it, Okay.

Snake takes a bite

Snake: Goooooooodamn
Eve: How was it?
Snake: Nigga, Dis shit right Hear!!! Dis shit RIGHT HEAR!!!
Eve: Well,
Snake: Dis dat damn Kryptocronological!!!
Eve: Booy, stop!!!
Snake: C'mere taka bite

And of course Eve takes a bite. What woman can resist Total Dominion.

So Eve, genuinely excited, returns to Adam w/ the rest of the fruit. She goes on and on about how Kryptochronological the fruit is and how he should really try it and how when she eats the fruit it makes her horny, blahzay, blahzay, blah.

You know how women can run on forever about stuff.

The point is Adam now has a decision to make. Adam has 2 options.

Option #1: In attempt to please Eve/shut her up/ possibly get some ass outta this situation, Adam can violate his principles of self-respect & self-discipline and disobey Rule #1.

but then there is also
Option #2: Adam can take inventory over all that God has given him dominion over, think about what is truly the best thing for Adam, stand up, look Eve in the eye and say.... No.
Well in case you don't know how this story turns out I'll tell you Adam chooses Door No. 2, God finds out that they broke Rule No. 1 and kicks them outta paradise. Not only that but he makes them put clothes on and Adam and all men there after are cursed to work a 9-5 with no union and shitty benefits for the rest of their collective days.
The Moral to the story is well.... If you think about it you know what the moral to the story is because if you've ever dealt with a woman then you've been in Adam's ... shoes(?).
Make a choice to think about this today.
Total Dominion

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Secret Truth about Women that THEY Don't Want YOU to Know

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." - Jesus

The Truth is a funny thing. In society, we place a sacred value on Truth. We've all heard that "truth shall set us free" We put the concept of truth on a pedastal in our society, right up there with Love, Integrity and all those other things that fill us with feelings of sugary goodness.

Truth is, though, very few of us want to hear the truth. Why? Well, cuz frankly... the truth hurts.

Let me get personal here for a second. Prior to learning the Laws of Total Dominion, I had been living in darkness all my life. And when I was shown the light it was painful. It hurt like hell.

You see, when you've been living in darkness for decades and someone exposes you to the light, your eyes don't have the capacity to receive sensory input of that intensity . So, therefor, there is pain that comes with along with it while your eyes increase their ability to take in light. (Church)

Not only that, but once my eyes finally adjusted themselves to the light, I could finallly see the years of chaos, disorder & disarray that had slowly built up over the years.

Imagine, for a second, walking into basement that hasn't been touched in years. The smells alone are abusive to the olfacory. You turn on the light and trash is strewn everywhere. Spoiled food, moldy bananas, roaches of all shapes and sizes, dog shit on the floor, spider webs covering every imaginable surface, You even see what you believe to be a few used condoms on the floor.

Now, I hand you a broom, dustpan, mop & bucket and say, "There you go. You wanna clean the basement. Well here it is." and walk away.

The task seems overwhelming, doesn't it?

Well, It can be if that's how you choose to see it that way. But it certainly isn't fun. Even if you decide to do it, in the middle of it you'll wish you had just gone upstairs and finished watching football or Lifetime or whatever it is you watch.

Fact is that 95% of the populus would rather sit in the dark than go through the pain of adjusting to the light and confronting their snafus (situation normal all fucked up).

Jesus, like all great prophets, knew this. he knew that when you come to bring the truth to people that it's rarely a peaceful event. It involves conflict. Conflict with those who want to cling to the darkness and conflict with yourself.

But is only by embracing this conflict that any of us can truly be free.

So what exactly, is this truth I'm referring to?

Simply put it can be summed up in one line.

When the man wears the crown, the woman bows down.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Who am I and why should you listen to me.

Because I used to get no ass at all. I mean noooooo ass. It was pathetic. I didn't see a girl with her shirt off until I was damn near 20 years old.

My interactions with women generally fell into 1 of 2 categories.

The first just being completely ignored a la George Bailey in It's A Wonderful Life. Only difference was that jumping off that bridge seemed more and more attractive as time went on.

The second being completely walked all over & humiliated much like a pre-Mr. Miyagi Danny Larusso.

Then one day, one glorious day, it finally happened. After all the pain, all the suffering, the rejection, the unreturned phone calls, the frustration, the tears, the fake numbers, the self doubt, the embarassment, hopelessness and the wondering if I'm doomed to be alone for the rest of my life...

I FINALLY cracked the code.

In a Newtonian moment of truth, the proverbial apple fell from the Tree of Knowledge and hit me in the head. And when I picked up the apple and took a bite from it I realized that there is a law, a set of universal and eternal truths, that govern all sexual interactions with women.

These laws are now known to men as The Laws of Total Dominion.

Wielding these laws I now found I had the power to get women to submit to my every desire. Unleashing the Laws of Total Dominion, women who once shunned me and took me for granted now obeyed, even, my most vulgar command.

Bottom line: This shit is powerful and it works!

My purpose in life is to spread this gospel to men, who like me were lost in the wilderness searching for a way to happiness with women.

I'm here to guide you out of the wilderness that I was trapped in for so long. I stand before you with a beacon of truth and light to deliver you from the darkness so that you can claim the power over women that as a man is rightfully yours.